Miles2Smile Organizes Sunrise Public School’s Annual Day for 2022-23
Continuing with its commitment to build a happier & secure future for…
Miles2Smile inaugurates Stitching Centre for 2020 Delhi Pogrom women victims to Empower them under initiative ‘TAHARAT’
[Shiv Vihar, Delhi, 02/03/2023] - Miles2Smile is pleased to announce the inauguration…
Miles2Smile joins hands with local NGOs for Turkiye & Syria earthquake relief operation
Several earthquakes of magnitude 7.8, 7.7, 4.4, and 5.6 shook the Central…
Annual sports day 2022-23 was a lot of fun and frolic
The 3rd edition of Annual Sports Day of Sunrise Public School was…
Miles2Smile launches ‘Khattati’ an initiative to promote Calligraphy in Urdu & Arabic languages
Miles2Smile is proud to present Khattati – an initiative to train people…